Mt. Vernon Baptist Temple is an Independent Baptist Church
located in beautiful Southern Illinois. Thank you for visiting our website and we invite you to visit us at one of our services or events sometime soon!




10:00 AM


6:00 PM

(includes wednesday)

Senior Pastor

Tim Reynolds

Tim Reynolds serves as Senior Pastor of Mt. Vernon Baptist Temple. Under Tim’s leadership, Mt. Vernon is dedicated to introducing people to Jesus and helping them follow Him. He is known for his conversational approach to teaching the Bible and his passion to help others know God and love Him more. His teaching segments are heard globally on every Sunday on Radio Podcast. Tim and his wife, Melissa, reside in the Southern Illinois area with their four children Brayden, Jordan, Caleb and Isabella. Picture was taken at Reynolds Farm.



Bible Through The Year

Bible Through The Year

Join us each Wednesday Evening at 6PM as we journey through the Bible in one year. We will be studying each book, including the human authors, setting, and content. Bring your Bible and a friend and join us!

Man Alive

Man Alive

All men and young men are invited to join us on the First Saturday of Each Month for the "Man Alive" Prayer Breakfast at 7:00AM at the Mt Vernon Christian School Fellowship Room!
Enjoy a free, hot breakfast, great fellowship, and a time of prayer with other Christian men in our community. Monthly guest speakers share a devotion and include church, business, and local government leaders. You will be blessed!

Reformers Unanimous

Reformers Unanimous

Reformers Unanimous Addictions Ministry meets Every Friday Evening from 7:00PM to 9:00PM under the direction of Mike Blackford. Click here to find out how RU can be a blessing to you or someone you love.

Bible Truth For Living

Bible Truth For Living

Listen Every Sunday to Bible Truth For Living at 9:00AM on WMIX 94.1FM, 9:30AM on WQRL 106.3FM, and 5:00PM on WVYN 90.9FM


Mt. Vernon Home School

For More Information on Mt. Vernon Christian Home School
Contact at 618-244-5404 or Visit our Website